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Grow your business. Build trust and status within your community. Be first in line for the best opportunities. Increase your impact as an influential leader of leaders in business, a mentor, a disciple maker, and marketplace minister. Help your team discover their Kingdom call and purpose for their lives.
A Kingdom Alliance Chapter magnifies your voice, amplifies your presence, builds your reputation, while significanctly increasing your potential for impact, profit, and income. All of this while being effective for Jesus' Kingdom, "on earth as it is in heaven." - Matthew 6:33.
The marketplace is crowded. You must diferentiate yourself to stand out from the crowd in order to be respected and heard. 1 Kingdom Alliance is a powerful way to amplify your voice to build your business and ministry, supported by a loyal network of followers.
Kingdom Alliances allow you to expand your reach by inviting like-minded members onto your team. The power of you, as one person, becomes the power multiplied through many team members. Instead of going it alone, your team becomes an extension of you.
Kingdom Alliances increases your status because you are automatically positioned to be a leader of leaders and a mentor of business and prosperity in your community. Serving others, based on Kingdom principles, builds respect and standing in your community.
Kingdom Alliances are designed to attract innovative entrepreneurs and creative talent. With the right knowledge and mentoring, (which we help you with), these can lead to amazing opportunities in which you are perfectly positioned to be first to benefit.
Kingdom Alliances function as an extention of your influence. As your community looks to you for guidance, you automatically become the "go to" person in their lives. The reciprication is that you have a growing network to call on for favors, support, referals, and business.
Kingdom Alliances create the perfect environment to "seek first the Kingdom and God's righteousness,"* while building your connections, business, and prosperity at the same time. When our hands "work as unto the Lord," our business is our ministry.
Chapter leaders are supported by 1 Kingdom Alliance with ongoing training and resources such as 'done-for-you' blueprints that make the process as straight forward as possible. Leading a 1 Kingdom Alliance can powerfully impact your business, help grow your client base, open doors, and exponentially increase your potential for success and prosperity. In addition, you will be positioned to minister to a Christ-centered community that is motivated to pray for you and support you based on a love of God and powerful Kingdom principles. This can powerfully transform your relationship with God and dramatically impact your life, faith, family, business, finances, and future.
Jeremiah 29:7
"Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you..., and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare."
1 Kingdom Alliance is a sub-ministry of the Empowered Kingdom, which was founded by Guy Morrell-Stinson. Guy was born with his spiritual compass set to seek God's wisdom for this time. It was clear to Guy, from a young age, that the world was heading for a time of extreme upheavel and change. 1 Kingdom Alliance provides answers, strategies, and practical solutions for the Christian community for this time. Guy is an author, speaker, visionary, and leadership guide. He is a unique voice for the church and Kingdom for this time.
The Unity Prayer
Jesus prayed
"Father, I pray on behalf of those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I am in You. May they also be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me."
Jesus (John 17:20-21)
1 Kingdom Alliance is an education and support network that brings ministry and practical business together based on biblical Kingdom principles.
Kingdom principles are extremely powerful when understood, and applied the right way. Our mission is to equip Christian business owners, entrepreneurs, and ministry leaders to live in the promises of Deuteronomy 28:1-14, which include being "the head and not the tail, always above and never below," and being debt free and prosperous to the extent of "lending to the nations and not borrowing." We believe we are unique because we understand this subject more deeply than any other party or organization we have encountered.
Yes. Alliance leadership opportunities are for members only. 1 Kingdom Alliance is structured as a private ministry in which privacy is paramount. There are important reasons for privacy, including the protection and wellbeing of our members. If you become a member, you would obviously want to know that your business is respected and confidential. We aim to create a safe space where trust is strengthened and this requires respecting each other's privacy.
Jesus did not create competing denominations. In fact, He came to establish a unified Kingdom in His name and His authority. Our mission is to seek His will and His Kingdom, His way. We will serve the Body of Christ as widely as possible. If we commit to putting Jesus first, and obeying His Word, unity will follow naturally, and we can work together.
Thank you for your interest. The first step is to schedule a call. The purpose of the call is to have a relaxed conversation to determine if this is a good fit. There is no hype or pressure. We are only interested in working with people who are aligned with God's purpose for their lives. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, and we can proceed from there if you want.
If both sides agree to continue, you will complete the registration process. This will be followed by an invitation to join a Chapter Leaders Hub where you will receive ongoing training and support. If all goes according to plan, you should be able to start your own Chapter in one to three weeks.
Yes and no. If you are not confident that you have enough influence or ability to invite people in your community to join you, this is probably not for you. However, if you are confident in your networking abilities, we will support you and only make you stronger. Your training will give you tips and ideas into how you can grow your Chapter. In the early stages, we will make ourselves available to collaborate with you on events to attract members. There is more, but this should answer this question for now.
Absolutely! We strongly believe that churches should find ways to empower their members in the real world. Jesus' model certainly was not a Sunday-only affair.
When members leave the church on Sunday, they enter the real world for the rest of the week. This is where the ministry of 1 Kingdom Alliance is focused - on making a success in all aspects of life. This can only help to make churches, and their members, more impactful, resourceful, and strong. This is in the best interest of all Christians, and their churches, and ministries.
Leading a Chapter automatically expands your influence and networking capabilities. This naturally leads to more opportunities to engage with people, get referrals, do business, and increase your income.
In addition, a primary goal of ours is to incubate and create income opportunities for the benefit of our members. Chapter leaders will be first in line to benefit from these. An opportunity that you can access immediately is to benefit as an affiliate by introducing 1 Kingdom Alliance to others. This can have significant benefits. You will learn more about opportunities when you become a member.
The fee to certify to become an licensed Alliance leader is $770 once off. Thereafter, a monthly education and training fee of $12 a month applies. This is processed via PayPal as an automatic subscription. You will have a 14-day window to ask for a full refund. Thereafter, no refunds are due or given. Exceptions will be at our sole discretion.
You will receive credit for your full registration fee when your chapter reaches and maintains 20 active members for three successive months. The credit can be used to discount in-network eucation offers and services. The scope of these benefits will be explained to new members.
This is suitable for almost anyone who is called to use their God-given gifting in every part of their life. If God has gifted you, it does not matter what specialty you are in, you are called to put your gifting to work in real and practical ways. This is something the church has lost sight of. The result is that Christianity has become largely passive, and dormant. Our mission is to ask what has God put in you and how can we help unlock His gifting in you for His purposes.
This means that Kingdom Alliances are for almost every Christian, because we have all received natural gifts from God that should be used in partnership with the Kingdom of heaven. Kingdom Alliances are designed to connect gifted people with others who share their passion and calling. In other words, if you are a pastor, join and participate in or form alliances for pastors. This applies to everyone. You can be an educator, fitness coach, a life coach, entrepreneur, and more. There is a place for almost ever Christian.
A Kingdom Alliance Certification allows you to create an official Kingdom Alliance in your community. Kingdom Alliances create a Kingdom presence in a community, from which many ministries and initiatives may be launched. Please think of 1 Kingdom Alliance as a movement to release the Kingdom in evey way possible. When it comes to leading a Kingdom Alliance, your initial focus may be to build a network of Christian entrepreneurs and leaders to build your business. This lays the foundations for further growth and future Kingdom ministry.
Kingdom Alliances go far beyond the scope of traditional small groups, which typically limit their focus to Bible study, prayer, and socializing. Kingdom Alliances aim to achieve much more by creating strategic initiatives that incubate opportunties, impact lives, minister to others, and more.
As an Alliance leader, you are effectively saying to God, "Here I am. Send me. Use me to build your Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven." (Isaiah 6:8, Matthew 6:33).
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"The Power of Christian Unity."
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When you submit this form you are giving us permission to email or communicate with you with further information. Please note that we operate on the basis of private and / or religious covenants as per the terms, conditions, and covenants of our parent ministry, The Empowered Kingdom. By participating, you will be bound by The Empowered Kingdom's rules and regulations in full. You may opt out at any time. We respect your privacy and insist on the maintenance of privacy among all members as a condition of participation. We do not sell our lists to spammers and marketers. Click "Subscribe" if you accept and want to continue.
Thank you for your interest. It will be great to chat about starting an alliance to build Jesus' Kingdom.
Jeremiah 29:7
"Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you..., and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare."
...Pray for Wisdom...
"God said to Solomon, “Since this was in your heart instead of requesting riches or wealth or glory for yourself or death for your enemies— and since you have not even requested long life but have asked for wisdom and knowledge to govern My people over whom I have made you king— therefore wisdom and knowledge have been granted to you. And I will also give you riches and wealth and honor unlike anything given to the kings before you or after you."
- 2 Chronicles 1:11-12